6/18 (Fri) "Live Vol.9" to watch at Nono House! The band formation, which was popular last time, will be realized again!
■2年目に突入した、のんおうちで観るライブは、バンド編成でパワフルにスタート!5月4日に実施された1周年記念ライブで好評だったバンド編成が再び実現します! ベース・なかむらしょーこ、ドラム・ナガシマタカトのリズム隊が加わり、ひぐちけいのギターが、のんのボーカル、パフォーマンスが自由奔放にステージを駆け巡ります!今回のライブでは、「のんおうちで観るライブ」名物の対決企画も! バンドメンバーを2チームに分けてバトルをし、メンバーの絆を深めます。勝敗を決めるのは視聴者のあなた! 視聴者のコメント投稿をのんが独断で集計して勝敗を決める独自ルールとなります。【NON OUCHI DE MIRU LIVE vol.9(#のんおうちで観るライブ)-がっつりバンド編成再び! & メンバーの絆を深める配信】 は、2021年6月18日(金)に実施されます! チケットは本日より販売開始!
Live vol.8 watched at home
In addition, it is also good news for those who can't see the live release! Missed delivery until 23:59 on Sunday, June 27th. After the live release, you can also buy tickets that missed the release. The fan club is selling tickets at a special price. After the concert, you can also buy tickets that have been missed. Tickets for delivery at large will be sold at 23:59 on Thursday, June 24th. [ticket purchase URL] NON OUCHI DE MIRU LIVE vol.9 (live broadcast at home)
-がっつりバンド編成再び! & メンバーの絆を深める配信ZAIKO:https://speedylive-non.zaiko.io/_item/340702
The details are reported.
Live vol.8 watched at home
Actress Qianhe was born in Hyogo County in 1993. As an actress, she certainly expands her activities in painting and music. In 2016, the theater animation "in this Corner of the World" served as the voice of the protagonist Beitiao Finch and won several awards. In 2017, the independent brand KAIWA (RE) CORD was established. Host the music festival NON KAIWA FES vol.1. Hold your first exhibition in 2018, "Show alone-Girls showing fangs -". The 2019 YouTube Originals documentary "the asshole" made the original movie "fart". He has served as screenwriter, director, editor, leading actor and so on. The 2020 music festival "NON KAIWA FES vol.2" has no audience and is broadcast on television. Implement fan participation SNS projects such as "everyone's room charge" and "everyone lalala together". In December of the same year, he won the 30th Japanese Film critic Award [Best Actress Award] for starring in the film "remember me". In 2021, a special exhibition "NON's Ribbon Art", "Flowers, three Children" was published on YOKOHAMA ART STATION project 2020.
The film and television work "Ribbon", which is written, directed and starred by itself, is expected to be released in 2022.
Guitarist producers have been exposed to violin, piano and other instruments since childhood, and began to play electric guitar from high school students. After participating as a guitarist in 2017, he will provide support for music activities, including Choisawa, higuhiya, Inoue Yuanzi, Buono!, Matsui Reinnai, Tokyo Girl, Takagi, etc. He also studied under Alan Jie / producer Mr. Ishizaki. Active use of their own players and PA recording engineer's experience, engaged in stage music, etc., as a creator's activities are also under way.
なかむらしょーこ福岡県出身のベーシスト。さまざまなアーティストのライブサポートやレコーディング等に参加している。2017年からは自身のバンド、SMOKY & THE SUGAR GLIDER(スモーキーアンドザシュガーグライダー)としても活動中。
ナガシマタカト1990年5月3日生まれ。AB型。5歳からクラシックピアノを始め、15歳でドラムと出会う。洗足学園音楽大学R&P科に入学し、科の「特別技能者選抜者」に選ばれる。在学中からプロ活動を始め、現在は様々なアーティストのライブ、レコーディング等に参加し、楽曲と歌に寄り添うプレイで活動の幅を広げている。【ライブ詳細】■ライブ名: NON OUCHI DE MIRU LIVE vol.9(#のんおうちで観るライブ)-がっつりバンド編成再び! & メンバーの絆を深める配信■Artist:のん、ひぐちけい、なかむらしょーこ(ベース)、ナガシマタカト(ドラム)■日時: 2021年6月18 日(金)20時00分~21時20分(約80分)※見逃し視聴期間:6月27日(日)23時59分まで※チケット販売は6月24日(木)23時59分まで■形式: ライブ生配信■チケット:一般:2,200円(税込)※のんファンクラブ NonKnockでは特別価格1,870円(税込)で販売(ファンクラブ内のリンクから購入ください)■購入URL:ZAIKO:https://speedylive-non.zaiko.io/_item/340702※視聴チケットは、6月24日(木)23時59分まで販売いたします※ライブ終了後に購入したチケットについては、アーカイブ視聴のみとなり、視聴者コメントの閲覧やコメント投稿はできません
For ticket purchase method, please visit the ticket purchase page through the above purchase website. You need to register an account on the platform to buy tickets (free of charge). Note: this public performance is held on the Internet. If you buy a ticket, an email will be sent. The reading order is recorded in the email, please confirm in advance. There are a lot of inquiries like "the purchased ticket has disappeared". After purchase, you must be able to access the ticketing page through the URL listed in the ZAIKO email. Please be careful not to lose your email. The cost of network communication related to browsing shall be borne by the customer. Video transmission will increase data traffic, so we recommend that you use a stable network environment (Wi-Fi, etc.). Equipment, lines and other best preparations should be made when sending, but in the characteristics sent on the spot, unexpected temporary suspension and confusion may occur, please understand. In the live broadcast, if you watch it halfway, it will be sent live from that moment, and you can't rewind it during the live broadcast. After the on-site distribution is over, you can rewind and play it.