20GB + Dedicated bands Why Nuro Mobile introduces plans that are not "cheap": Ask MVNO (page 1/3)
Nuro of Sony Network Communications, such as "Value Plus", which features "GIGA Plus", which gives data capacity once every three months, and "NEO Plan", which challenges major carrier online plans in a medium -volume zone of 20GB.Mobile is launching new charges and new services as soon as possible.
The NEO plan, which started in November, revised the service content immediately after the introduction."NEO Data -free", which does not count the data capacity of Twitter, Instagram, and LINE, has added LINE voice calls and video calls.From December, various improvements have been added, with the NEO plan, including the addition of data capacity in GIGA Plus.
「NEOプラン」の概要。月額2699円(税込み)で20GBという価格は大手キャリアのオンライン専用プランと大差ないが、専用帯域を設けることで通信品質を重視したValue Plus, on the other hand, is also an aggressive posture, such as increasing the 8GB plan to 10GB to 10GB.Until now, MVNOs have a strong low capacity and low price, and have gained popularity as "cheap SIM" and "cheap smartphones", but NURO Mobile seems to have expanded services that are not limited to that.The NEO plan is a unique bandwidth, such as preparing a dedicated bandwidth as a monthly fee of 2699 yen (tax included, hereinafter referred to as).
NUROモバイルはなぜ“格安”以外のサービスを強化しているのか。ソニーネットワークコミュニケーションズでNUROモバイルを率いるMVNO事業室室長の神山明己氏と、サービス設計課 課長の亀井健男氏、同セールス&マーケティング課 課長の田中直樹氏の3人にお話をうかがった。
―― First, I will ask about the NEO plan introduced in November.Because it is a 20GB plan, it is a separate building from Value Plus, but why did you introduce such a plan?
Regarding Kamiyama's NEO plan, (introduced) because the MNO's online plan appeared as a 20GB band, the market changed dramatically.Looking at the survey of a private research company for the last six months, there are 3 contractors with 10GB to 20GB, especially 20GB plan..It is increasing 1 times.It was understood that the needs of the medium -capable zone were increasing at a stretch, mainly 20GB.
At the same time, when I looked at Value Plus customers, my 40s and 50s accounted for the majority.Those who have selected 20GB have been found to be digital native people in their 20s and 30s, and that small -capacity Value Plus cannot support this segment.Therefore, we planned a new 20GB band plan as a plan that matches the customer Nee's.
神山明己氏――The data capacity is certainly lined up with the MNO online plan, but the price is also close.What do you think of this point?
Kamiyama's conventional Value Plus aims to be the lowest class in the industry by returning the price to customers as much as possible.As a result, you can evaluate that it is "cheap" in all capacity zones.It is true that the NEO plan is almost the same as MNO.This is because the characteristic of the NEO plan is to provide high quality.In order to ensure communication quality, we have set it in the form of focusing on quality and reducing places that were returned to customers at price.
NEOプランでは、MNOと同等レベルの通信品質を目指した――It it was a story about setting a bandwidth dedicated to the NEO plan for that purpose, but how is the effect?
Mr. Kamei has not yet produced a quantitative effect, but it can be used comfortably in the form of MNO.It has just started in November and has not yet been able to get a lot of statistics, but on SNS, etc., users have heard that it can be used comfortably even in the daytime.At least it doesn't mean it's late in the daytime, like a general cheap SIM.
亀井健男氏Mr. Kamiyama As has been said in the past, there is a bottleneck that is slow because the interconnecting point between MVNO and MNO is thin.The dedicated bandwidth is set up to secure some quality here.However, in the daytime, radio parts such as docomo, au, and Softbank are naturally crowded, so the speed is reduced like MNO.On the other hand, the bandwidth of the interconnected connection has been prepared abundantly, so that it does not become a bottleneck.
――However, I think that there was an estimate that the cost -effectiveness was very poor for MVNO if you aim for the same quality as MNO.Is it okay to understand that these situations are being resolved by reducing the price of connection fees?
Mr. Kamiyama We are returning customers with Value Plus, but in the NEO plan, we are costing quality as much as possible while operating at low cost.In the mid- to long term, we designed a design with a view to the decrease in wholesale prices, and judged that this would be possible.In addition, since the automatic assignment of the bandwidth using Sony's AI is assigned, I think that it can be used effectively.
-The amount is lined up, but services such as NEO data -free are unique to NURO Mobile.Why was this introduced?
Kamiyama's main target was in his 20s and 30s, and he plans to free the communication of SNS used in everyday communication.LINE, Twitter and Instagram are counted.At the time of the announcement, LINE's voice calls and video calls were "scheduled to be supported in the future", but we were able to respond immediately.I'm very sorry for the internal circumstances, but the verification was not in time (to start the service).However, that part was a big advantage, so we responded immediately.
――Is it because Facebook is not included in this because it's “SNS for Ojisan” (laughs).
Kamiyama (laughs).First of all, we started with three services.Of course, Facebook, other videos and music services have count -free needs, and they actually have such voices.We verify every day how to expand NEO data -free.However, when you do zero ratings, you will squeeze the band.In providing high -quality plans, you will also consider the balance with quality.
LINE、Twitter、Instagramのデータ通信量を消費しない「NEOデータフリー」NEOプランはなぜドコモ回線のみ?1|2|3次のページへCopyright © ITmedia, Inc.All Rights Reserved.