NASCAR is replaced by the ESPORTS series of the professional racer participation in the stopped race.
アメリカンモータースポーツの代名詞とも言えるストックカーレースのNASCARシリーズとそれを放送するFOX Sportsが、新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)の影響で中止になったレースをeSportsで埋めるべく準備を急いでいます。これは、NASCARの3つの選手権(Cupシリーズ、Xfinityシリーズ、ガンダーRV&アウトドアーズ・トラックシリーズ)からプロドライバーが招集されるとのことで、デイル・アーンハートJr., Bobby Labonte, Kyle Bush, and Denny Hamlin are expected to participate in stars. IRACING, which is very popular as a racing simulator, cooperates with this esports project. IRACING is active as an ESPORTS, such as holding a racing series in various categories online, and there are also series where only Japanese people, like IRACING JAPAN LEAGUE (IRJL), are participating in the war. NASCAR and FOX will first race on March 22 at a 90 -minute special program entitled "FOX NASCAR IRACING," and races at the homestated Miami Speedway reproduced on the simulator. Named driver Jeff Gordon was also selected as a commentary on this program. In addition, this project is a virtual race, but the Fox Sports Executive Producer states that in order to maintain a safe work environment, we will follow the guidelines of the CDC (American Disease Prevention Management Center). 。
Last weekend, the two popular series, the opening game of F1 and the opening game of Indie Car, announced the cancellation just before the event announced and disappointed the fans. The ESPORTS tournament has been overtaken by the number of views than all kinds of ESPORTS. This is basically the same in both real and games, and the mechanical operation method is basically the same, and the difference between familiarity may have worked in a good direction. Some new -generation drivers, like Max Ferstappen and Land Norris, usually use online racing at home. Depending on the genre of the game, ESPORTS is still a minor competition, but if a tournament with professional players participates like last week's F1 and NASCAR this time, ordinary viewers will expand their fans to expand their fans. There is a possibility that it will be connected.
F1 opening match that is canceled with the new Corona...None, "Not the AUS GP" ESPORTS, the F1 driver welcomed the ESPORTS race of the F1 driver in a hurry.F1 opening game cancellation
あなたのプライバシー設定では、このコンテンツをご利用できません。こちらで設定を変更してくださいあなたのプライバシー設定では、このコンテンツをご利用できません。こちらで設定を変更してくださいあなたのプライバシー設定では、このコンテンツをご利用できません。こちらで設定を変更してくださいあなたのプライバシー設定では、このコンテンツをご利用できません。こちらで設定を変更してくださいSource: Fox Sports, NASCAR