How will the price of "telegram" change?Even now, there are still "4 million per year", but there are also services that end
NTT East and West Japan have announced that they will review the telegram fee structure."What is a telegram in the first place?", Some people may not understand well in the younger generation.What is the telegram in the age of the peace?How does the price and mechanism change?
The telegram was said to have begun a business in Meiji 2, when there was no telephone service as well as SNS and e -mail, and expanded as a way to convey messages earlier than mail.In a simple method, it is a service that makes a call to the dial "115" and conveys the name, address, text, etc. of the other person you want to send, and prints the message on paper and delivers it to the other party.But how many people are using SNS, message apps, and emails now?According to NTT East and West Japan, the peak of users in the general and Kei celebration was 1963, and 95 million telegrams were sent annually.It decreased to 4 million per year in 2020, but you can see that there are still a certain number of users.At present, it is said that it is often used as a "word gift" that is given as a set of stuffed animals and preserved flowers in scenes such as ceremonial occasions.
■ Review of the telegram fee body shape
This time, a review of the price body shape announced by NTT East and West Japan.How will it change?For example, this sentence."Congratulations on your graduation. The last three years have been short, but it has become the most memorable day in my life. Please polish yourself, cherish your memories of your school days, and flutter to the new world."The above is the text of "95 characters".Until now, "the basic fee of 726 yen for the first 25 characters and 99 yen for every 5 characters after 26 characters" will be added, 726 yen +99 x 14 = 2112 yen (including tax).If this fee is changed in January next year, it will be cheaper because the basic fee is "1320 yen (including tax)".By the way, after 300 characters, 330 yen will be added for each pages of paper that can write up to 420 characters.NTT East and West Japan explain that this review will be cheaper for many users.