[Kimono purchase] What will happen in the future?Assessment analyzed the results of market questionnaires and trends in future kimono purchases
調査期間:2021年07月02日~2021年07年05日アンケート回答人数:300人 |
・ Do you have a kimono?
(N = 300 people, a single answer. By July 02, 2021 to July 05, 2021)
着物を所持している:229名着物を所持していない:71名 |
Of the 300 people who answered the questionnaire, there were people who own kimonos in over 70 % of them.Kimonos are traditional Japanese culture, but recently the chances of wearing and scenes have decreased, and people who own kimonos are decreasing.Nevertheless, it seems that many people own kimonos to wear in special scenes such as ceremonial occasions, and many kimonos that have been handed down from their parents or grandparents in their homes.・ Have you ever thought about selling kimonos?
(N = 229, a single answer. By July 02, 2021 -2021, a questionnaire survey conducted on July 05, 2021)
売却を検討したことがある:123名売却を検討したことがない:106名 |
When asked the person who answered that he owned a kimono, he asked if he had considered selling kimonos, and more than half of the people answered that he had considered it.I also asked about the reasons for selling.・ Reasons for sale
(N = 123, a single answer. By July 02, 2021 -Following a questionnaire survey conducted on July 05, 2021)
もう着用しない:71名断捨離:34名現金化したい:14名着物の価値が知りたい:7名その他:2名 |
The most common reason to consider selling was "I don't wear it anymore."Next, many people want to let go because the opportunities to wear are decreasing, following "for discarding" and "I want to make cash".On the contrary, let's look at the reasons for those who answered "I don't want to sell".・ Reasons for not selling
(N = 106, a single answer. By July 02, 2021 -Following a questionnaire survey conducted on July 05, 2021)
着物を持っていない:58名安い値が付くと嫌:5名自分のものではない:9名売るのが面倒:16名まだ着用する:39名思い入れがある:45名 |
In the first place, the most people who do not own kimonos are the most common, followed by "because they have thoughts" and "I still wear them", and they say "because it is troublesome to sell" and "I don't want to have a cheap price".I did it.Many kimonos use delicate materials, and those who are not used to handling kimonos will often care about the work of getting in and out of the chest every time you assess and carrying them to purchase stores.。In addition, while kimonos tailored using traditional crafts are sold at a high price, some people have said that when used goods, the value of that price decreases, so that they do not want to be disappointed with the purchase price.So I asked what the points of concern when using the purchase store, not just the presence or absence of kimono sale.・ What you care about when using a purchase store
(N = 300 people, a single answer. By July 02, 2021 to July 05, 2021)
買取価格:159名価値が分からない:69名どこに売るか:33名買取の可否:18名商品の状態:10名査定時の手数料:4名特になし:7名 |
After all, the most worrisome thing about using the purchase is the "purchase price".As I did not want to sell, many people wanted to avoid being bought and beaten at a low price, and the following comments were received.
どれくらいの値段で買い取ってくれるか不安です。20?30年来ていませんが親から貰った大事な物なので、出来れば高く売りたい。 |
Next, the answer was "I don't know the value."
着物は代々受け継がれていると、どの程度の価値のものなのかどれくらいで売れるのか相場や目安がわからなく、売る際にも信用できる相手かどうか見極められずそのままとなってしまう。 |
Even if it is an expensive kimono, the value will change as the number of years has been purchased. Not only the value of the kimono itself, but also the value varies depending on the demand, so it is difficult for ordinary people to determine how much the current value is. Therefore, it can be nod that many answers were anxious about "I do not understand the value".・ [Kimono purchase] How the kimono purchase market price will fluctuate and the chances of wearing kimonos will decrease and it is unnecessary, but the reason why it is not one step further before actually selling is “purchase price” and “value”. Many voices were worried about. Nevertheless, "purchase price" and "value" in the purchase market are always fluctuating. The difficult thing is when do you sell unnecessary kimonos? For example, if you are older, the more value you value, the more you don't want to sell it now, you shouldn't forcibly sell it, and keep it at hand until the value goes up further, but what about kimonos? So let's take a look at the trends in the future kimono purchase price by Senka Enoki, the assessor, in Uriel's kimono purchase. ------------------------------------------------ ------- In recent years, younger people have less opportunities to wear kimonos, and with the demand for rental kimonos and increases in market, the number of kimonos and new purchases decrease year by year. There is a trend. Conversely, the request for kimono purchase is always kept at a high position among various purchases, and events such as weddings, ceremonies, and festivals such as new Coronavirus are also canceled, so more kimono purchases. It is an impression that the number of requests has been increasing. We expect this trend to continue until the Corona situation calms down in the future, and it is expected that the kimono purchase price will fall in the future. If the market price drops, the purchase price will have to be reduced as well, and it will be difficult to buy at a high price even in kimonos, such as writer kimonos and pongee, such as writer kimonos and pongee. While the value in the purchase market continues to decrease, there is no guarantee that it will sell kimonos that can be sold now or next year. In addition, kimonos can not keep a beautiful state if they are not worn, but gradually deteriorate over time even if they are maintained. For that reason, if you think, "I will dispose of it someday," I would like you to consider selling as soon as possible. Uriel Assessor: Enoki Sands Senkai ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ・ Hope for purchasing when selling kimonos
(N = 300 people, a single answer. By July 02, 2021 to July 05, 2021)
店頭買取:192名出張買取:66名宅配買取:42名 |
In the kimono purchase, which means of purchase do you want to buy?The most common answer is the store purchase, followed by a business trip purchase and home delivery purchase.
店頭でやり取りすると、必要なやりとりがスムーズにいくように思う。また、少し高くしてくれることもある。自分の都合の良いタイミングで持っていける買取り店が良いと思う |
One of the reasons for the purchase at the store is that it is smooth because it can be sold at the timing you want to sell.In home delivery purchases and business trip purchases, it seems that many people find it troublesome to have a time lag before assessing and unnecessary things disappear from home.Next, here are the opinions of those who wish to buy a business trip.
一度に運べない量なので、店頭では困る。宅配では、良い値が付かない時の返送費が気になる。自宅で話し合えるとよい。 |
着物を店頭に持っていくと着物がグチャグチャになって価値が下がりそう、買取してもらえないと思ったからです。 |
It seems that business trip purchases are popular for those who want to sell a large number of kimonos or who are not used to handling kimonos.Opinions of those who wish to buy home delivery
対面形式の買取だと気が引けてしまったり、こちら側の要望を伝えにくかったりするイメージがあるからです。 |
本やcd.dvdなら、お店に出向いて売っても恥ずかしくありませんが、「着物」となると、なぜか恥ずかしいです。そこで、店に出向くことなく、ひっそり売れたので、有難いです。 |
The above -mentioned opinions are the reasons for the purchase of home delivery.There was a tendency to be popular with those who are reluctant to interact directly with the assessor or want to sell without anyone knowing.・ Experience and its satisfaction using the purchase store
(N = 300 people, a single answer. By July 02, 2021 to July 05, 2021)
買取店を利用したことがある:170名買取店を利用したことがない:130名買取の結果に満足している:78名買取の結果に満足していない:91名 |
Finally, we surveyed the experience and satisfaction of the experience using the purchase store.56.7 % of those who have used a purchase store, but about 46 % of those who are satisfied with the results of the purchase, were less than half.
結構、高価な着物を質店に査定してもらったところ、昨今は着物を着る人が少ないからと言う理由で予想より遥かに低い査定額を提示されました。なので売却するなら買取り専門店の方が良いかと感じました。 |
高かった着物の買取額が3000円だったので少し不満でした。安い着物と区別ない値段でしたのでもう少し着物に応じた買い取り価格にしてほしかったです。 |
母の遺品である着物を買取りしてもらいました。自分が着ることはないので、安価でも買取りしてもらい良かったですが、価格には正直がっかりでした。 |
Many dissatisfaction with the fact that the original value was not assessed was received, and the opinion that "it was purchased at almost the same price as a cheap kimono" is not hidden.And such an opinion.
100万円で買った着物の下取り価格が5,000円ほどでしたが、そのようなものだと思っています。わざわざ自宅まで査定に来てくれたので有難かったです。 |
Why is it so difficult to have such a different purchase price or determine the right value depending on the purchase store? ------------------------------------------------ ------- The following reasons are the major causes of a large difference in purchase prices depending on the purchase store.・ Differences in the experience value of the assessor ・ Some kimonos are checking the most recent markets, and it is difficult to determine the value depending on the thing, and if you do not understand the latest market value, you can only do good prices. In addition, there is a difference in the purchase price depending on the sales route that the store itself has. Uriel assesses kimonos from various factors such as product patterns, fabrics, conditions, and accessories. The assessor always checks the kimono market and grasps the latest trends and market prices, so you can present the right purchase price at that day. Uriel Assessor: Enoki Sands Senkai ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ・ I'm confident that Uriel is confident in expensive purchases Uriel is confident in the industry's top-class expensive purchase. The status of goods and the market price at the time of assessment to the correct value is assessed, and the customer is clearly explained to customers, the basis of the assessment value. Of course, if you are not satisfied with the assessed value, you can refuse the purchase. Uriel does not do any overwhelming pushing for customers, sudden telephone sales, visiting business, etc., so please leave it with confidence. Even if you change your mind after the purchase is established, cooling -off can be supported within 8 days.・ Uriel's choice purchase method Uriel has three purchases: “business trip purchase”, “home delivery purchase”, and “store purchase”, so you can choose according to your lifestyle. In addition, "free web assessment", which allows you to know the approximate assessment value just by sending photos, is also popular. Free Web Assessment: https: //www.uriel-cuore.co.jp/entry/ ・ Easy 3 steps! Purchase flow 1. Reservation First, make an assessment by phone or email LINE. 2. Free assessment knowledge and experienced assessor will carefully assess with sincerity. If you are not satisfied with the assessed value, you can cancel. 3. Contract / Payment business trip purchase and store purchase on the spot. In the case of home delivery purchase, we will transfer an account. If you have a waste of disposal, why not deliver it to those who need it, rather than throw away valuable things? Please consult Uriel, who is confident in expensive purchases. Uriel: https: //www.uriel-cuore.co.jp/* Please consult and apply for purchase from the site form. Inquiry form URL: https: //www.uriel-cuore.co.jp/contact/
会社名:株式会社クオーレ所在地:愛知県大府市柊山町8-53-2代表取締役:竹本泰志事業内容:買取事業・遺品整理・生前整理・不動産・ハウスクリーニング・リノベーションコーポレートサイト:https://cuore-group.com/ |
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