"Meety" is a casual interview platform that can be connected to a company of a company due to corona.
The most popular feature of Apple's MacBook function was the Magsafe connector sticking to the magnet.Before being replaced by a small USB-C plug, it saved countless times, the tragedy of hitting the laptop on the floor.And today, Apple officially revived the name of "Magsafe" as for another device (or although it is an iPhone).-Bytoirs are more convenient than safety, and this change will be ignited sooner or later, and you will be interested in simple desktop chargers and in -vehicle chargers that stick with magnets.
This is because the introduction of magnetic induction charging to the iPhone is from high -speed power supply, avoidance of magnetic interference with mobile phone compass hardware, and appropriate positioning with the charging area on the back.There are many invisible technical issues.
The new MAGSAFE charger is $ 39 and has a large circular pack -like shape and promises a 15 -wat charging speed.This is the double speed of the Qi charger that has been certified by the iPhone so far.Interestingly, this charger has its own magnet compass, which allows you to get accurate location information of the connected iPhone.(Continue next)
[Via VentureBeat] @venturebeat
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