Defendant in bail, GPS is installed to prevent escape from overseas ... Legal referee reports the revised outline
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At the General Assembly on Tuesday, the Legal Council (the Advisor of the Minister of the Minister) decided to revise the revised outline of the Criminal Procedure Law to prevent defendants in the bail, and reported to the Minister of Furukawa.Following the fleeing of Nissan Motor Corporation Carlos Ghosn (67) overseas, the introduction of a system to attach the Global Positioning System (GPS) terminal during bail was included.
If the GPS terminal is determined that the court needs to prevent fleeing abroad, the defendant can be ordered at the time of bail permit, and it is prohibited from entering airports and ports, and damaging and removing terminals.We will provide compliant matters.The terminal has a function to detect violations of compliance with the court and notify the court.Confirmation of compliance items will be penalized, such as imprisonment of one year or less.
The defendant's location information shall be confirmed by the judge or prosecutor only when the violation is detected, and the protection of privacy is also considered.In addition to foreigners based abroad, they are assumed to be assumed to be assumed to be a wealthy person with abundant fleeing funds, gangs and criminal organizations, and the number of people is expected to be limited.
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