The definitive guide of Google Analytics 4
Google Analytics 4 is the next generation Google Analytics.The collection method of data was transformed in order to reconstruct the platform from zero and enable overall measurement of websites and mobile apps.This is the first attempt for Google.
Unlike past upgrades, GA4 is a completely new product.This means a new start with new learning.
This article explains what you need to know, such as the difference from Universal Analytics, the reasons for use, and how to start use.It also introduces new report functions that can better understand user behavior.
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What is Google Analytics 4 (and why should you move)?
Google Analytics 4 is a rebuilding, rebranding, and an enlarged version of the app and web properties that Google rolled out in 2019.It promises the future of Analytics, and has characteristics such as tracking on a cross platform, data using AI, and design that emphasizes privacy.
These functions and abilities have been built so that they can not only help users more deeply, but also predict user behavior to improve user experiences.
What is different from Universal Analytics?
When Google announced the launch of GA4, they stated:
"New Google Analytics provides important insights that you need to prepare for the following:"
The big difference is that it is designed not only for what has already happened, but also to help you prepare for the following:
The method is as follows.
GA4 focuses on users and labels each interaction as an event.
This means that sessions and page views are events.For example, the Page_view event includes a parameter called Page_location, Page_referrer, and Page_title.
This change will benefit from the benefits of accurately measuring user journey between Web and mobile apps.In the conventional Google Analytics, the measurement was tied to the URL, and the interaction was divided by time.
In the new model of the event key, it is easy to create an insight for mutual reference.In addition, since the user can grasp how websites and apps are migrating, the route analysis is improved.
For example, every time a user registers in a newsletter, a Generate_lead event is sent to GA4.By setting this event as an end event, route analysis is possible, and you can understand that the user was doing it before clicking the application button.These actions can be used to predict future activities, and web sites and apps can be adjusted to encourage more registration.
GA4 events are classified into four categories.
- 自動的に収集されるイベント。GA4のベースコードをインストールした後、自動的にトラッキングされるイベントである。これには、page_view、session_start、first_visitなどの、初期のアクションが該当する。
- 拡張計測機能。スクロール、サイト内検索、動画のエンゲージメント、アウトバウンドのクリックなどが該当する。これらは自動的に収集されるイベントであり、Webサイトやアプリにあわせ、有効化・無効化にすることができる。こうしたイベントにより、ページビューよりも深く、ユーザーの行動やコンテンツの成功を測定することが可能となる。
- 推奨イベント。あなたのWebサイトの業界に基づき、Googleが設定を推奨するイベントだ。例えば、ECサイトの場合、カートへの追加、購入、チェックアウトの開始、などが該当する。
- カスタムイベント。あなたのニーズに基づき、自身で設定することができるイベントやパラメーターである。例えば、ECサイトを運営している場合、チェックアウトの開始以降にエラーイベントを設定し、ユーザーがエラーに出くわした際、どのような行動を取るかを確認することができる。こうしたユーザー行動を把握することができれば、チェックアウトのプロセスの改善に役立つだろう。
Global site tags (GTAG) other than custom events.It uses JS) and tag manager, automatically records many related events without individual settings.
As the GDPR method has been introduced in Europe and the privacy online is enhanced, it has become difficult to track users by cookies.As a result, third -party cookies are gradually abolished.Firefox and Safari have already blocked third -party cookies by default, and Google will take the same measures by 2023.
By using machine learning, GA4 eliminates the need for cookies.Insights using Google AI automatically tell you the product data trend.You can also refer to the predictive indicators that will help you identify users and actions that may lead to purchase.Specifically, it is as follows.
- 購入の可能性。過去28日間でアクティブであったユーザーが、次の7日間で購入する確率。
- 離脱の可能性。過去7日間でアクティブであったユーザーが、次の7日間でアクティブではならなくなる確率。
- 収益予測。過去28日間でアクティブであったユーザーからの、次の28日間における収益の予測。
By utilizing these data, you can predict your customer's action and create a campaign focusing on valuable audiences.
It is difficult to identify whether the problem is related to Tag Manager or the website itself in UA debacking.
GA4 is trying to solve this issue by introducing a live report called Debugview into the interface.In this report, as in custom parameters, you can monitor real -time event data and set user properties.
User data can also be isolated from the device where the debug is enabled.Furthermore, if you are using a CROME extension Tag Manager, you can directly import data to Debugview, so that you can quickly grasp the task.
BIGQUERY can handle large and complex datasets.Therefore, it can solve the sampling problem that occurs when a complex segment is created in Google Analytics.
At present, this function was a function that only GA360 users could use.However, in GA4, the low data of each event is exported to execute queries and export to the external tools.
Changing the user interface is the easiest change.Navigation is located along the user path and event according to the new data collection method.
The GA4 interface is as follows.
The interface of Universal Analytics is as follows.
The visibility has been improved and the data table has been updated.In addition, the whole picture of real -time data can be quickly grasped.
In addition, data can be operated dynamically, and comparative elements can be added.For example, you can compare desktops and mobile data or compare all users and specific countries.
It is very different from the universal analytics interface, so it may take some time to get used to it.However, once you get used to the GA4 new interface, you will be easier to understand and predict user behavior.
Why should GA4 data collection (not all systems are running)?
First, Universal Analytics is not gone.Bud, Henkez, also explains in the CXL article as follows.
But GA4 is the future of Google Analytics.Also, because the cookies are gradually abolished, I think that it is a good time to get used to data collection and get used to the GA4 function.
GA4 is only positive data.In other words, the collection of data begins at the moment of creation, and data cannot be withdrawn from Universal Analytics in the past.
If you set it now, machine learning and AI will help you accurately predict user behavior.And when you switch to GA4 completely, the collected data should be more meaningful data.
How to set Google Analytics 4: Simple, easy -to -understand explanation
Google has a setup assistant to set GA4 as easy as possible along the existing Universal Analytics.
Here, let's explain how to use it.
1.Log in to Google Analytics account
2.Click the gearmark icon (management) on the lower left side of the navigation
3.In the property, make sure your account is not wrong, and click "GA4 Setting Assistant".
4.Click "Welcome" in "Create Google Analytics 4 properties".
5.gtag.If you have a JS, you can select whether to use a Google Wizard to collect data using an existing tag.
If you are using a website builder, CMS (eg, WordPress, Wix, Squarespace, Shopify, etc.), Google Tag Manager, and Analytics.If you are a website that uses JS tags, you'll see a message that notices that you need to install a new tag.
The Google guide to properly add Google Analytics 4 describes this method.
6.Click "Create Properties"
Using the Universal Analytics property, Google connects existing Google Analytics and GA4 and sets a new property.Since the enhanced measurement is enabled, the details of the user behavior can be confirmed immediately.All of these are performed with existing Universal Analytics data, so that data can be maintained within the existing settings.
7.Click "Confirm GA4 Properties" from the GA4 configuration assistant page and proceed to a new assistant for setting.
(Image source)
Google provides the following customization.
GA4 setup assistants automatically create your website data stream when setup.When adding data streams for iOS, Android, or web, do the following:
- 管理 > データストリームと進み、「ストリームを追加」をクリックする
- iOS app、Android app、Webのいずれかをクリックする
- アプリのデータストリームを追加する場合は、iOSのバンドルID、もしくは、Androidのパッケージネームを入力し、「アプリの登録」をクリックする。ガイダンスに従い設定ファイルをダウンロードし、アプリにFirebase SDKを追加する。「完了」をクリックする前に、インストールを確認するために、一度実行しておこう。Webのデータストリームを追加する場合は、プライマリURLを入力し、拡張測定を有効にしてから、「ストリームの作成」をクリックしよう。
Conversion and event tracking settings
With a setup assistant, you can measure a general event and track them as a conversion.
Conversion and events can be manually managed in the "Event" report.From here, you can track all existing events as conversion by turning on the switch under "Marking as a conversion".And they are displayed in the "Conversion" report.
If you want to create a new event to track a specific page, you need to click "Create Event" in the "Event" report.
For example, if you want to track the number of users who have browsed the Thank you page, set the event to the parameter and specify the page_location and the value to the value.
If the user browses the relevant page, it will be displayed as an event in the report.From here, you can mark them as a conversion.
Finally, you can track events and conversions by using GA4 event tags on Google Tag Manager.This is very convenient if you want to track specific actions, such as clicks, button.
To do this, first set Google Tag Manager.
Set Google Tag Manager
Google Tag Manager supports the GA4 property with the following two tags.
GA4 設定タグ
The "Google Analytics: GA4 Settings" tags must be installed on all pages you want to collect GA4 properties data.In addition, it is necessary to be able to distribute it before the event is set.
The setting method in GTM is as follows.
1.[タグ] > [新規] をクリックする。2.Click Tag Settings.3.Select Google Analytics: GA4 Settings.Four.Enter [Measurement ID].
(Image source)
Five.If there is a parameter to be set, add it in [Set item].Google recommends using the recommended event parameter to get the optimal results.
6.If you have a custom user property to set, add it in User Properties.In analytics, some user properties are automatically recorded in logs.Up to 25 user properties can be set for each property of Google Analytics 4.
(Image source)
7.Set [Tag Distribution Priority] in [Detailed Settings], or in [Tag order], the setting tag is distributed before other event tags that require the setting tag.
8.Click [Trigger] and select an event to distribute the tag.For example, if you select [All Pages], the tag will be distributed on all pages.
9.Save the tag settings and publish the container.
GA4 イベントタグ
GA4 event tags are not always needed.For example, if you are tracking events that can be collected using a new extended measurement function using a UA tag, you should use this option.
Add this tag when you need more details than the content provided by the expansion measurement function.Google lists the following examples.
The method of setting the GA4 event tag in GTM is as follows.
- [タグ] > [新規] をクリックする。
- [タグの設定] をクリックする。
- [Google アナリティクス: GA4 イベント] を選択する。
- [設定タグ] で、先ほど作成した設定タグを選択する。
- [イベント名] で、イベントの名前を指定する。最適な結果を得るには、推奨イベント名を使用する。
- [イベント パラメーター]でイベントパラメーターを入力する。最適な結果を得るには、推奨イベント パラメータ名を使用する。
- カスタムユーザープロパティを追加する。
- [詳細設定] で [タグ配信の優先度] を設定するか、[タグの順序付け] で、設定タグが、その設定タグを必要とする他のイベントタグの前に配信されるようにする。
- [トリガー] をクリックし、タグを配信するイベントを選択する(例:「購入」がイベントである場合は、トリガーはユーザーが購入を完了した時点となる)。
- Save the tag settings and publish the container.
Enable debugging mode
Enabling debugging mode is the final step of the setting verification.As Ken Williams states, this is also an important step.
Enable debugging mode方法は、Webサイトとアプリでは異なる。
Enable debugging mode on the website
To enable website events, simply install and enable the Chrome extension Google Analytics Debugger.
iOSアプリでEnable debugging mode
To enable iOS debug mode, Google's official document describes:
AndroidアプリでEnable debugging mode
To enable analytics debug mode on the emulated Android device, run the following command line in the shell or terminal window:
Five reports that are ideal for obtaining marketing insights
Earlier, he stated that GA4 was an event -based model, using machine learning to improve reports and could grasp more comprehensive user behavior.
From now on, let's take advantage of the actual report to strengthen marketing.
1.Report snapshot
The snapshot of the report is the first page displayed after logging in to GA4.Here, main information such as traffic, engagement, conversion, and revenue is summarized.
If you are tracking your mobile indicators, "Firebase" provides similar statistics for the app.
Utilizing a snapshot, you can quickly check the top campaigns, pages, traffic, etc.In addition, from the overall perspective, it is possible to confirm that everything is working properly.
2.real time
Real -time reports display events in the past 30 minutes.It is convenient to check the traffic of the most recently launched products.
For example, if you use real -time reports such as blog posts, videos, and products that have just been published, you can quickly analyze the performance.
In addition, up to five comparisons can be performed, and performances for each segment can be checked in real time.
It is a major change in Universal Analytics, because it was not possible to compare sideways in real -time reports.In other words, it is no longer necessary to add a filter to confirm the performance.
In addition to comparison (this can be used in all reports), in real -time reports, you can use User Snapshots.This tracks the randomly selected user journey and displays all the events that have occurred.
By using this report, it is possible for users to grasp the users who use websites and apps in real time, such as where the user came from and what action was taken. cycle
In the life -cycle report, a report is created in line with the conventional conversion family.
In these reports, you can quickly check how the user enters the conversion family and what actions to take after entering.
For example, by using a report on customers, you can check which channels are acquiring new customers.Engagement and retention reports will help you to grasp your behavior and understand if you are involved in your website after conversion.
See these data and answer the following questions.
Four.User attribute and technology
In the User section, the same reports as Universal Analytics are lined up.It is possible to identify major user attributes, niche user attributes, and lost user attributes.
For example, if you run a fitness brand, you are a woman who is under 30 years old and is interested in fitness.Utilizing this information, posting images of women under the age of 30 on websites and apps on websites and applications will enhance their relevance and engagement.
It can also be used to find gaps in a specific audience market.For example, there are women over 65 years old who enjoy exercising in the gym.Target such audiences and post information on products that help you improve your performance and performance.
In addition, it is possible to discover low -performance user attributes.For example, you may find that younger generation users are not interested in expensive products.Elderly users may know that they prefer to buy on the phone.By using these data, you should be able to improve your accessibility and break away from a low -performance layer.
Five.Data search tool
Data search tools will be the most important features in GA4 introduced for marketers.Here, it can be analyzed more than a standard report, which helps to grasp user behavior further.
According to Google, the following is possible in this report.
The data search tools can perform the following six techniques.
1.Data search.This is the most common method of data analysis.Various styles can be visualized, and you can select bar graphs, circular graphs, broken lines, and map formats.It is possible for clients to provide data in a more convincing way.
2.You can analyze a group of users with common features (events, conversions, etc.).For example, it is possible to create a cohort report for the time for users to convert after reading a sales page, and analyze the actions compared to other users.
3.Exploration of the target process data.Visualize the steps that users take by completing the event.For example, knowing how successful the user is and failing by knowing the behavior of the user before applying for the course is.Use this information to adjust content and funnel.
4.Search data search.The flow of the event is visualized in the form of a tree graph, and the user can grasp the pass that passes on your website or app.It helps users to identify the top page that users click after landing to websites and apps, loop behavior indicating the stagnation of users, and the effects of events on subsequent users.
5.You can analyze how the segments with different segments affect each other.By utilizing this technology, it helps to discover new segments on the website.For example, you can create new users, buyers, and mobile traffic segments, check the duplication of three attributes, and see how many new users are purchasing products on mobile.
6.As a user Explorer customer, you can visualize what kind of action you take in your life.Here, we found sources and campaigns that guide users who provide the highest life -time value in a specific month, or someday the user lasted from the website, and someday the last involved with the app was someday.It is possible to grasp etc.
1.Click "Search" in the sidebar
2.If you know the type you want to use, click the prepared template to start immediately.If not, click " +" to create a new data search.
In the interface of data search, segments, dimensions, and indicators are displayed in the left column.These represent the audience, events, and numbers you want to analyze.
In the right column, the type and value of the visuals you want to display in the report can be selected.
The data is visualized on the right side of the screen.From here, up to 10 tabs can be added, and the data can be further operated by clicking the data point.
Google explains a detailed method in a guide article "Try using the [GA4] data search tool".
Google Analytics 4 is not yet fully implemented, but now it's a good time to investigate the features provided.
Google provides time for marketing personnel to get used to these features and collect past data by gradually implementing implementation.
Set dual tags on websites and apps and execute GA4 and Universal Analytics in parallel.In this way, you can use Universal Analytics until GA4 implements all of the required functions.
Also, when you grow your audience on a new platform and finally switch to GA4, it will be possible to use it for digital marketing and digital ads.
This article translates "The Definitive Guide to Google Analytics 4" published in CXL.
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