Introduced online identification service "Polarify Ekyc" to ORIX Credit Co., Ltd.
[About ORIX Credit] ORIX Credit provides financial services, focusing on loan business, credit guarantee business, and mortgage banking business for individual customers as a company of the ORIX Group.ORIX Credit has launched an ORIX Money, a new brand, a smartphone -complete product in addition to the VIP loan card, a card loan product."Polarify ekyc" has been adopted as part of promoting paperless and digitalization so that the contract procedure of "ORIX Money" can be performed smoothly.
[About Polarify ekyc] "Polarify EKYC" is a software that matches identity verification documents such as licenses and self -portrait photos of facial authentications in response to amendment to the enforcement of the Criminal Revenue Transfer Prevention Law.It is attracting attention as a new identity verification method because the identity can be confirmed immediately without passing the mail.If you introduce "Polarify Ekyc", you will be able to open an account online and verify your identity online, and you will be able to open an account in the shortest day.In addition to confirmation of transactions at financial institutions, we are responding to online verification of various services, regardless of the target or non -target of the crime method, such as the sharing, the purchase of a mobile phone, and real estate transactions.。
「Polarify eKYCの特徴」・高い精度を誇る顔認証エンジンにより、目視による顔画像の一致確認作業が不要。・独自の実在性チェック機能により、別人へのなりすましを自動的に検知。・スマートフォンアプリ、ブラウザの両チャネルに対応。・画面デザイン、手続きはお客様のご要望に合わせてカスタマイズ可能。・運転免許証、マイナンバーカード、在留カード、運転経歴証明書、特別永住者証明書、住基台帳カード、に加えて健康保険証にも対応。・OCR、BPOなど多彩な外部機能・サービスとの連携可能。・顔認証エンジンを使った、よりセキュアで便利な本人認証や取引認証が実現可能。■株式会社ポラリファイ 概要社名 株式会社ポラリファイ住所 東京都港区西新橋 1-11-5設立 2017 年 5 月 1 日代表取締役社長 和田 友宏株主 株式会社三井住友フィナンシャルグループ株式会社エヌ・ティ・ティ・データDaon, Inc.事業内容 生体情報を用いた認証サービスPolarify eKYCサイト