Job student WEB test AI examiner fraudulent confirmation new recruitment test style
In the web adoption test, AI (Artificial Intelligence) examiners check for fraud such as spoofing.
Job hunting that will begin soon.Many companies have aptitude tests, but more and more companies are incorporating web methods.
While there is an advantage that there is no need to go to the exam venue, and it is easy for students overseas and rural areas to participate in the selection....。
Humanage Minori Terasawa, "If you take an online exam of Corona's evil, you will have a job offer without meeting, and you may not be able to take the exam correctly because you have not met the person. stay up"
Even if fraud was suspected, it was often difficult to confirm.
Therefore, an AI examiner analyzed the video taken by the web camera.
In about two years, I learned a huge number of misconduct.
For example, if a suspicious act, such as looking at a mobile phone during the exam or replacing the examinees, the AI detects abnormalities from the perspective of the examinee and the movement of the hands, and notifies the company.
It is said that tens of thousands of people have taken this test, which AI examiners are watching.
Humanage Minori Terasawa, "I heard the status of applicants during the exam, and I heard that I was relieved to be serious about being taken seriously.I feel that there is. Above all, it is strange for applicants to lose serious students, and probably five years later, we will always have an AI examiner in the web test. "