[OBD inspection countermeasures] As an OBD inspection countermeasure (maintenance business support) starting from October 1st, Fine Piece has added a new Bosch's failure diagnostic machine and scan tool to "Fine Piece Social Society Joint Purchase".
https: // www.slideshare.Net/FinePiece/KTS560-590KTS-5A-Series
KTS560 / 590(KTS 5a Series)ボッシュ スキャンツール マニュアルfrom Fine Piece Inc.https: // www.slideshare.Net/FinePiece/Bosch-250292062
<商品詳細はこちら>https://FinePiece.delivery/product.php?id=485A security system to prevent cyber attacks on vehicles has already begun, and is expected to be installed in all new cars in the future due to the United Nations rules and the enactment of Japanese domestic laws, and the maintenance shop is a failure diagnosis, etc.It is necessary to conclude individual contracts with each automaker to implement the work of.Bosch is a vehicle diagnosis software ESI [Tronic] 2.The new feature added to 0, "Secure Diagnosis Access (SDA)", does not require individual contracts for each car manufacturer and contribute to reducing man -hours and costs at the maintenance shop. In the following, vehicles are being digitized by the technical reform of automobiles called "CASE", which represents connecting, automation, sharing, and electrification from the BOSCH press release, but at the same time, the crew and pedestrians cyber attacks on vehicles. In order to protect the damage, it is essential to take cyber security measures in the "Automobile Standards Changing World Forum (WP29)" in June 2020 for new cars after July 2022. Some vehicles already sold in Japan have taken cyber security measures, which has begun to restrict access to the diagnostic function. This trend is expected to accelerate further with the enforcement of domestic law after 2022. With this cyber security countermeasures, access restrictions are applied to the diagnostic function required for car maintenance, and the advanced operation support system (ADAS) Eming work (correction work) and the service interior reset required after oil change will be possible. Bosch's vehicle diagnosis software ESI [Tronic] 2 for this situation.The new feature, "Secure Diagnosis Access (SDA)", can centrally manage the security access of each automaker and execute security -protected diagnostic functions. This will allow new vehicles to be diagnosed efficiently in the future maintenance business of general maintenance shops. Cyber security measures for vehicles vary depending on each automobile manufacturer, so in order to acquire access rights for each vehicle, individual response, such as contracts and payment conditions, is required for each car manufacturer. However, Bosch centrally manages the security access right for each automaker and provides a general maintenance shop by his diagnosis access (SDA), so it does not require a contract for each vehicle manufacturer to make an efficient diagnosis. You can proceed with the work. In the future, a comprehensive diagnosis work will be possible without security access rights in all vehicles. Bosch continues to expand the corresponding automakers, systems, and models in addition to Volkswagen (VW), Audi (Audi), Seat (SEAT), Skoda, which supported this SDA release. We will develop and develop with automakers, and aim to provide tools that can be used in the future. Bosch diagnostics (KTS560, KTS590) and dedicated software ESI [Tronic] 2 to use Secure Diagnosis Access (SDA)..It is possible only if you own a failure diagnosis (SD) license.In addition, an Internet environment is required to access data online.Click here for details on Secure Diagnosis Access (SDA) https: // ja.FinePiece.Global/Forum/Search/~ Num ~ SDA
https: // www.slideshare.net/FinePiece/202109-01-secure-diagnostic-accesssda
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ファインピース会社概要 |FINE PIECE Company Overview 2021 [low]from Fine Piece Inc.https: // www.slideshare.net/FinePiece/fine-piece-company-overview-2021-low