Surprising reasons that cannot be fully charged the news iPhone
Surprising reasons that cannot be fully charged the iPhone
画面の破損以外に、iPhoneユーザーがよく遭遇するのが充電の問題です。もっとも、iPhone(やその他のスマートフォン)のバッテリーは、時間の経過とともに自然に劣化する数少ない部品のひとつであることを考えれば不思議はありません。【全画像をみる】Surprising reasons that cannot be fully charged the iPhone時はすべてを変える。iPhoneのバッテリーも例外ではありません。ただし、もしiPhoneの充電が80%で止まってしまうことに気づいたとしても、慌ててバッテリーを交換する必要はありませんよ。この現象が起きる原因はいくつかありますが、そのほとんどが簡単に解決できます。今回は、iPhoneの充電が80%で止まる理由と、その解決策を紹介しますね。
Why is the iPhone charging stopped at 80 %?
The reason why the iPhone is charged at 80%is probably the functions implemented by Apple to extend the life of the iPhone battery.Apple has introduced an "optimized battery charging" function in iOS 13, slows down the iPhone charging speed, and has been charged to 80%so as not to overload the battery.This function may stop charging on iPhone at 80%.Many people are trying to keep their smartphones charged as much as possible, but in fact, it has a negative effect on the iPhone battery.Maintaining full charging status can be a burden on smartphone batteries and shorten the life.Needless to say, if you keep charging all night, the battery will be hot and your life will be shorter.
How to turn off the iPhone's "optimized battery charging" function
In iOS 13 iPhone, this "optimized battery charging" function is turned on by default.If you want to charge up to 100 %, you can easily disable this function from the battery setting.To turn off the "Optimized battery charging" function, select [Settings]> [Battery]> [Battery State], and turn off the optimized battery charging.A screen for selecting "Turn off until tomorrow" and "Turn off (permanently)" will be displayed, so please select the one you like.
Make the most of the battery power
To make the iPhone battery last longer, first understand the cause of shortening the life of the battery.With the tips for charging introduced in this article, and using a high -quality iPhone charger, you can make the battery last longer.Original Article: HERE'S WHY YOUR iPhone Stops Charging at 80% by Makeuseof
Takayuki Ito, Makeuseof