Transfer to a rechargeable flashlight
From primary batteries to secondary batteries
In recent years, LED lights have been replaced with rechargeable.The reason is that it is unpleasant to break, and the brightness is better.In the past, I used almost dry battery -type LED lights, but I gradually replaced them with lithium -ion battery -type ones.By the way, the battery (primary battery) is a disposable battery.
There are also types of secondary batteries, but lithium -ion secondary batteries are intentionally used for LED lights.There is also a way to put the same size nickel hydrogen secondary battery in the dry battery LED light.However, lithium -ion secondary battery -type LED light tends to be smaller and bright due to elements such as high voltage.
By the way, first of all, the point is that it is unpleasant to break, but the point is "alkaline battery leakage".It's just my impression of my writer, but the Naze or Duracell alkaline battery leaks inside the Mag-Lite (Mag-Lite: a tough flashlight brand made in the United States).Seriously, this Maglite was high!Like.
Well, maybe, the impression that the high maglite was broken (it often could not come out when the alkaline battery leaked in the maglite) was just a strong impression of "Duracell = liquid leakage".If you think calmly, the alkaline batteries of other brands are often leaked and lanterns and headlights are often broken.
As an aside, the battery has fate of liquid leakage and gas leakage.If you do not use it for a long time, it is safe to remove the battery from the device.If you leave an alkaline battery in the device and leave it, if you leak, it will be the user's responsibility in the end.
筆者所有のLEDマグライト。これと同型のものがアルカリ電池の液漏れで廃棄処分になりました。筆者の場合、ナゼか不思議と「DURACELLにマグライトを殺られている」んでした。まあ単なる偶然だと思いますが。左は、14500タイプ(単3形乾電池とほぼ同じサイズ)のリチウムイオン二次電池(3.7V)とダミー電池ですが、これらをマグライトに入れて使っています。ただし、メーカー保証外の使い方ですし、こうしても点灯しないマグライトもありますし、場合によってはマグライトのLED部の破損も考えられますので、試すなら自己責任で。Then brightness.Every time a new product comes out, the brightness of LED lights is improved.If it is a foreign -made LED flashlight (lithium -ion secondary battery -using type) sold in Amazon, etc., it is extremely clear even though it is less than 1000 yen!There are many items like this.
Amazonで売られていた14500リチウムイオン二次電池対応のLEDフラッシュライト各種。左は5本セットでナンと税込1399円(へのリンク)でした。懐中電灯として十分実用的な明るさです。中央は2本セット税込999円(へのリンク)で、前方と横にLEDを内蔵しています。横のCOBタイプLEDがかなり明るい。ちなみに、14500二次電池は単3形乾電池とほぼ同じサイスですが、これらのフラッシュライトは14500でも単三形乾電池でも使える仕様です。The kind of cheap LED light as above has many products that are physically and functionally rough.The set of 5 is a little rough with the lowlet (non -slip jagged) processing unit and heat dissipation fins, and the central two sets are slightly shifted or small scratches on the main unit.
But it's small, bright, it's cheap, and it's attractive.In addition, the types are very abundant.The variations are very rich, such as size, shape, and brightness.That's why I'm lying mainly to LED lights that use lithium -ion secondary batteries.I would like to introduce some things I have.