The shortest distance to CVR up is for optimization of entry form.Be aware of the screen size of your smartphone!
特にスマホサイトにおいて、エントリーフォームの最適化(EFO/Entry Form Optimization)を行うことは、離脱率を下げ、CVRアップを実現するために欠かせない施策の1つなのです。
3 points of optimization of entry form
There are three representative examples of optimization of entry form.
① 入力欄の最適化② エラー表現の最適化③ 導線を明確にするEFO case on a site
Here is an example of an entry form optimization in which a smartphone site of a health food has improved the exit rate from the form by 20 % and the CVR is ultimately increased by 150 %.The main user who uses this health food smartphone site is a woman in her 50s.The user and repeaters were about half each.
As an entry form step,
① Put in a shopping basket ② Login or screen ③ Enter user information ④ Confirm input information ⑤ Purchase completed
という流れです。この中で、②ログインor画面から ③ユーザー情報の入力のステップで、50%のユーザーが離脱していることがわかりました。④に進むためには、リピーターの方は「ログインする」、新規会員の方は「する」のいずれかを選択する必要がありますが、そこでつまずいていたのです。
I thought, "Is it difficult to understand the guidance?"First of all, I checked how the size of the screen in the first view of the user was checked in Google Analytics's "screen resolution".
Let your family and friends use it
There are cases where the carts are limited and the content that can be improved may be limited, but the shortest distance to the CVR up is to make it an entry form that can be purchased smoothly without stress.By all means, please take this opportunity to optimize the entry form.
◇◇◇From the next serious series, we will send you the theme of "seriously thinking about how to serve customers on the web".First of all, as an introduction, I would like to think "seriously" why customer service on EC sites, so -called "hospitality" is important.Next time we look forward to.