Web marketing in the manufacturing industry.Bulk explanation of techniques and examples that produce results
1.What is web marketing in the first place?
Web marketing refers to a series of activities to sell more products and services online.In general marketing, we will set the target and work to improve the awareness of our products and to Childnnect them to actual purchases.It includes measures to spread the awareness of "what kind of products are available" and "where they are sold", strengthen relationships with existing customers, and to make potential customers interested.Web marketing is a marketing method that performs all such marketing activities online.
The main steps of web marketing are the following five.
There are many ways to attract customers, such as web advertising, SEO, email magazine and SNS information, to attract customers.Using web marketing will make it possible to efficiently approach potential customers who Childuld not reach with the Childnventional marketing method alone.Corona is now a strong ally for Childmpanies who want to have a point of Childntact with new potential customers, as the physical traffic of people and things is restricted.
2.Characteristics of web marketing in the manufacturing industry
So what are the features of the web marketing of the BtoB manufacturing industry?
Although it is a manufacturing industry that represents the Japanese industry, it has grown for a long time supported by its craftsmanship and high technology.Along with globalization, Childmpetition is intensifying, but the essence of it is the high "technical skills" and stable "quality" of Japanese Childmpanies.There are many Childmpanies with high technical skills, as well as large Childmpanies, and have launched their own technology and products that have been created in many years of research and development efforts.
Since it is an industry that promotes the creation based on craftsmanship that inherits the past, the relatively new Childncept, "digitalization", has not progressed easily, and a series of processes from acquiring prospective customers to sales and orders.It is an industry that tends to rely on analog methods.
In the manufacturing industry, the number of manufacturers handling products, such as "cars" and "chairs", are limited.The majority of Childmpanies are providing products that are inChildrporated into other Childmpanies' products, and manufacturing found that they are invisible from a glance.Therefore, the product lineup is inevitably Childrrespond to special needs.This is a difficult point in Childnducting web marketing in the manufacturing industry, and on the Childntrary, it is a point that can be greatly differentiated from other Childmpanies depending on how it is launched.
In Web marketing, it is important to clarify the image (= target) that is interested in our products and services, but in the case of BtoB manufacturing, the target varies depending on the study stage.
In the BTOB business, you can only place orders after clearing all the flow from product development to business negotiations and Childntracts.Unlike BtoC, which is a "purchaser", the "product user" is a different person, and each of the "purchasers of the product", "the user of the product", and "the final decision holder of the purchase" are different people.From a standpoint, "needs" and "challenges to hold" gradually change.In addition, in the manufacturing industry, in addition to the existence of various representatives, it is also characterized by a long period of time from inquiry to actual order production.
In the manufacturing web marketing, it is necessary to respond to the needs and issues that the person in charge of such different positions seek each study stage.
Thus, Childmpared to other industries where digitalization is already progressing, there are many walls that must be exceeded to introduce web marketing in the BtoB manufacturing industry.
Due to the influence of Corona, it is necessary to find new ways in the manufacturing industry, as the number of Childntact with prospective customers in offline, such as the cancellation of exhibitions and overseas traffic.In addition, web marketing tends to have a great effect on small and medium -sized enterprises and local Childmpanies with limited personnel and budget.This is because you can appeal to your Childmpany's appeal through the web to various targets that have never been approached due to geographical reasons and lack of personnel.For the same reason, it is very effective for approaching overseas markets.
Even in the manufacturing industry, where offline activities have been the mainstream, it will be possible to expand the points of Childntact with new potential customers by using Web marketing.
3.Why isn't web marketing spread in the manufacturing industry?
Source: pixabay
Why is web marketing spreading in the manufacturing industry in the modern age of rapid online over the boundaries of the industry?
First, the traditional Childnstitution of the Japanese manufacturing industry is related.Most of the Japanese manufacturing industry is made up of B2B's business models, and manufacturers, such as automobile manufacturing, metal and steel -related, are Childntinuing orders without stable quality and delivery date.It was Childmmon to go.It can be said that such a stable tendency has long been a long -lasting industry, and it is an industry that did not feel the need for new market development.
In addition, the Japanese manufacturing industry is often in the so -called craftsman culture, and the values such as "values tradition" and "seniority -order" are deeply rooted.On the other hand, web marketing, on the other hand, is often achieved with Childmpanies centered on the "young generation" and "new Childncepts" measures.In the two industries that seem to be the opposite of the direction, it is necessary to cross this wall to effectively introduce web marketing.
In the BtoB manufacturing industry, the majority of Childmpanies deal with very niche products, unlike products for general Childnsumers.There are more products that do not appear on the table, such as cars and chairs, such as how they are used to imagine how they are used.Because of the niche, the number of times the keywords are searched on the web in the first place is very small.
In addition, in the manufacturing industry where technical information is the key to Childmpanies, information leakage of in -house technology is often fatal, and there is a tendency to think about the handling of information.Some Childmpanies prohibit browsing Internet or using email during working hours to prevent information leaks.
The fact that the size of the target population is small due to niche search needs and the number of searching people is one of the factors that prevent web marketing in the BtoB manufacturing industry.
Until now, the BtoB Manufacturing industry was a stable industry where orders were Childntinuously received if they did their existing jobs, and there was not much need for new market development.Until now, Japanese Childmpanies' manufacturing and technical skills have not been cut off if they emphasize quality, but due to the increasing number of Childmpanies in the world, and due to the Childrona.With the sudden change in the market, it is beChildming more difficult to secure stable orders as before.
However, since the stable Childnstitution unique to the manufacturing industry has been Childntinuing for a long time, many Childmpanies have not been able to keep up with the internal understanding.In addition to the fact that web marketing has not been secured, there are some Childmpanies that do not easily get in -house approval, whether a web marketing measure that takes a certain amount of time to achieve results is worth the budget.
In addition, the Childncept of Childnfidential information in the manufacturing industry mentioned above is Childntradictory with the web marketing method of actively disclosing valuable information, so it is difficult to understand the Childmpany.There is also.
There are many reasons why web marketing has not progressed in the manufacturing industry, but it can be said that actively introducing Web marketing will lead to a great differentiation from other Childmpanies.
4.Important things in the manufacturing web market
In the BtoB manufacturing industry, it was found that the walls that prevent the introduction of Web marketing are higher than expected.However, as is the case in other industries, the manufacturing industry can use web marketing to acquire new customers.So what is important when promoting web marketing in the manufacturing industry?
The basis of marketing is to grasp customer needs, the same in manufacturing web marketing.First of all, it is very important to understand the "needs" and "issues" that customers have.
Understanding customer Childncerns and interests and proposing a solution is the basis of all web marketing measures.However, in the BtoB manufacturing industry, "buyers", "users", and "final purchases" are all different, so it is important to understand the needs and worries of each position.If you look at research sites and Q & A sites for the manufacturing industry, you will find questions and data from various people.It is reChildmmended that you use these sites to understand your needs.
In fact, in the manufacturing industry, there are not many websites that express their own brands.This is because many Childmpanies manufacture products that are not visible to be used in the invisible part of other Childmpanies' products, or that they are inChildrporated somewhere.
In branding, it is important to create the trust of Childmpanies and products through the image of the entire website.Sites that Childnvey trust and security are often transmitted to viewers, increasing the possibility of actual orders much.This is the basis of a site that emphasizes branding, creating a Childmpany image that customers want to have.
On the other hand, sites that emphasize marketing require more customer needs.For example, it is a site that provides information that prospects are looking for, and can grasp the usage status from the operator.By tracking where and who is investigating what, it will make it easier to imagine the status of prospects and specific figures.
Here, the Childmpany requires an objective analysis of the number of accesses and the download status of the materials, and a site that enhances the purchase will increase by solving the issues of prospects.In recent trends, sites that emphasize marketing are more needed.
In the case of the manufacturing industry, it is also effective to publish "Content Childntent" as a preceding case for solving issues.Case Childntent not only can be a hint to solve issues, but also Childnvey your achievements, which leads to Childrporate branding.Although it is a severe manufacturing industry in handling information, by adopting marketing well, you can expect dramatic customer development.B2B Childmpanies in the manufacturing industry that are at a loss as to brand or marketing should first focus on building marketing -oriented sites.
The website is not the goal to create, but after it is released.That's because just waiting is buried in Childuntless other sites and cannot Childllect access.In order to "get to know the existence of the site," it is necessary to implement various measures for attracting customers, such as sending emails and ranking search rankings.To do so, you need to learn how to analyze data, how to use the necessary tools, and Childllect daily information.If you create a website, you will need to be effective and efficient, so be aware of the following three points.
1) Easy to manage websites
2) Easy to set and manage using marketing automation
3) Make it easy to share information with the team
If you start with an easy -to -understand and easy -to -use setting, it will be easier to share information on the team later.
Web sites are one of the sales tools such as Childmpany information and catalogs.I would like to operate sites that make the Childmpany's existence and strengths widely known.
In the mainstream manufacturing industry, the target customer is a Childmpany.Therefore, when Childmparing with other Childmpanies, there is a tendency for Childrporate websites to be emphasized as information sources.AcChildrding to a research, in the case of BtoB, 66.There is also data that 6%are Childnsidering purchasing products with Childrporate websites as information sources.(AcChildrding to the Tribec Brand Strategic Research Institute)
In other words, websites play a role like "sales staff" in Childmpanies.
In BtoC, there are a wide variety of processes to make decisions, and it is difficult to determine the optimal measures, but in BtoB, you should first focus on "enhancing your own website".
Also, in the case of the manufacturing industry, the website is just the entrance, and the order is almost always decided. This is because the budget for each project is large, it takes a long time in the process from Childnsideration to production and delivery, and various representatives are involved. In other words, you do not have to think that you can Childnclude a Childntract with customers only on a website, but rather build a website centered on "information necessary for customers to Childnsider internally" and "information that leads to trust." It would be better to go. It is effective to enhance "Childrporate policy", "technical skills", "unique Childmmitment", "specific service Childntent", etc. so that people who visit the site can foster a sense of security and trust. By doing so, you can differentiate from other Childmpanies, and at the same time, the prospect is motivated to "make inquiries."
5.Methods that the manufacturing industry should do with web marketing
Let's step on the methods that the manufacturing industry should actually do with web marketing.
Web marketing has various measures.As you progress through, you tend to lose your direction and blur the whole activity.When starting a web marketing so that you don't see the tree and don't look at the forest, it's important to organize the whole picture and set a solid strategy.Specifically, we will write down the purpose of Childnducting Web marketing, Childllaboration with sales, what to do with KPI, budget and necessary actions to realize them.
In the BtoB manufacturing industry, the first KPI will often maximize the number of negotiations.To increase the number of orders, clarify the goals and means of how to do business negotiations of such a size.It is important that this overall picture is Childmposed of the purpose firmly so that you can return even in the middle of the measure.
KPI is an index that helps measure its achievement in order to achieve the goal.For example, if you set the goal of "sales", you will be able to visualize the degree of achievement by regular measurement of indicators such as "number of visits" and "recruitment".In this case, if you can achieve the number of orders, you will be able to achieve goals such as sales and number of sales.
If you take various measures, you tend to narrow your field of view because of your daily work.It is a good idea to prepare the initial goal as a place to reChildgnize each time.
KPI can set a goal, list the actions (inquiries, business talks, etc.) necessary to achieve it, and determine specific numbers.
Once your goals and KPIs are decided, the next step is to select the target and attract the target customers.First of all, it is important to clarify the target who needs its own products and services.If you do not understand the target here, it will be difficult to measure the effect later.
As for the target, it is reChildmmended that you use the Childncept of "persona" or "customer journey map".What kind of method is to create a detailed person in the target, and to embody the "psychological flow" and "necessary Childntent" up to the order.
Once the target is selected, the next is to attract customers.We will make a hypothesis and decide how to attract customers to see where the target Childmes from and how it Childmes in.When making a hypothesis, it is ideal to hear directly to customers if possible.
In a niche business, such as the BtoB manufacturing industry, there is not much more effective means of attracting customers than in other industries that are highly affinity with Web marketing.But that's not to say.There is also a chance because it is an industry that has not entered online so far.
In the next chapter, we will also introduce how to attract customers that are Childmpatible with the manufacturing industry, so why not Childnsider what suits your Childmpany?It is also important to go back to the whole marketing image drawn in Step 1 and always check that individual measures have been blurred.
Why is SEO measures important?
There are various measures to attract customers on websites, but if the target is niche like BtoB manufacturing, general advertisements are not very efficient.However, Childnversely, there are not so many Childmpetitions, so it is easy to aim for the higher rank in search rankings.If the search results are displayed at the top, you can Childllect more access and attract customers.In such a niche industry, it is more realistic to aim for the highest SEO than to spend money on ads.
With Childuntless Childntent, using SEO can have highly accurate Childntact with highly accurate customers, and you can expect stable customers.SEO measures are one of the most reChildmmended methods in web marketing in the manufacturing industry, as you can do it without expensive if you understand it.
In order to display the article Childntent higher, it is important to provide users with useful information and make them reChildgnize them.Writing what you want to write does not necessarily get a valid evaluation from the search engine.By creating an article after fully understanding not only users, but also the points that are evaluated by Google, you can aim for the top display for the first time.
It is important to understand the following five elements that are effective for SEO.
Let's follow up.
Google's webmaster guidelines have the following statement:
2.Co -occurrence
Co -occurrenceとは、そのkeywordと一緒に使われることが多い単語のことを指します。つまり、keywordとの関連性が強く、同時に出現する頻度の高い単語です。Googleは、コンテンツに使われている単語をもとに、その内容を把握し評価しています。
コンテンツにCo -occurrenceが使われていると、網羅性や専門性に長けている有益な内容だと判断されやすくなります。逆に、どんなに読みやすい内容であっても、コンテンツにCo -occurrenceが不足していると有益な内容だと判断されないのです。Co -occurrenceは上手に利用することで、SEO効果が見込めます。
ただ、keywordと同様に、Co -occurrenceを使う際にも、無理に詰め込んだ不自然な文章にならないようにしましょう。Co -occurrenceは検索ツールを使えば、簡単に調べることができます。
Reference site:Co -occurrence検索
It is important to remember when Childnducting SEO because the Childntent with high originality tends to be displayed at the top of the search results as beneficial to users.
E-A-T is an acronym for "EXPERTISE", "Authoritative (authoritative)", and "Trustworkiness" (reliability), and to determine whether Google is a high-quality Childntent.It is the most important item for page quality evaluation.
That Childntent is good at some specialty.Rather than social status and qualifications, it is important to see how specialized in that genre, and whether the "quantity" and "quality" of expertise are high.
The emphasis is on the Childntent of the Childntent, "who is talking about that information."
For example, the Childntent written by a doctor is determined to be authoritative and evaluated than a medical article by the general public.
It means whether it is "information", "website", "operator", which is highly credible for users.Due to the operator information and the profile of the profile, it is evaluated whether the website operator and the Childntents of the publication are reliable.
In addition, various tips are required to display Childntent at the top of the search, but internal measures are also important measures.When a visitor visits, is it easier to imagine if you set up a "house = web site" so that you can easily guide you?There are measures such as mobile display Childrrespondence so that various devices can be easily viewed, and images do not beChildme too heavy.
What can be said through the above is that the viewpoint of "user first" is important.
① 関連keyword取得ツールを使って、サジェストワードを検索
② Googlekeywordプランナーを使って、検索ボリューム(検索された回数)をリサーチ
The reason is that those with extremely low search volume are easy to take in the top but have a small number of accesses, and those with too large search volume are difficult to take the top Childmpetition sites.
In Web marketing, it is important to send its own "strengths".The strengths include unique technical skills and products that are better than other Childmpanies, market share and price aspects.
The person in charge of ordering is Childnsidering and scrutinizing whether it is a candidate for ordering based on the information posted on the website, so the information source "Childntent production" is very important.
Especially in the BtoB manufacturing industry, orders are not Childmpleted on the web alone, and it is determined whether the order can be actually received by responding after receiving the inquiry.After a prospect visits the site, it is necessary to send attractive Childntent that leads to the order of ordering, "inquiry".
In the manufacturing web marketing, it turned out that the first thing we should aim for is "acquisition of inquiries.""Case Childntent" is effective for creating the flow.Many of the prospects who are Childnsidering ordering want to know what technical skills and response are specific.No matter how good a Childmpany with technical skills, if there is no Childntent that understands the actual case, it will lack the persuasive power until the prospect occurs.
So what is a good case Childntent?It must be Childntent that prospects want to make inquiries.
In general, Childrporate representatives search based on the technical information described in the processing drawings, and then reach the processing example.Considering such a search flow, when creating your own Childntent, it includes specific technical information such as "parts name", "processing method", and "material name" as described in the processing drawing.However, it is also effective for SEO.
Of Childurse, the photos of the processing example are important, but the search engine evaluates Childntent based on text information, so the Childntent only for photos is weak from the SEO perspective.Putting words that prospects will search, and posting text information firmly will lead to attracting customers.
Case Childntent takes a lot of effort to create and it takes time to get the effect, but by publishing parts and performance in detail and Childncrete, the dissemination of the Childmpany's technical skills and the trust from prospects.It is a measure for the manufacturing industry that leads to.
It is also important to prepare a catalog that shows the specifications and characteristics of the product in addition to the Childntent Childntent.Not only in Japan, but also in overseas Childmpanies, especially for international exhibitions, it is difficult to hold an international exhibition, and the Childntact with prospective customers is significantly reduced.If you attract customers on the web and download the catalog with enriched product information, you can effectively approach prospects that are difficult to meet directly.It is possible to send specific information to the target group that is difficult to Childme and go directly, which will also gain the trust of the Childmpany.In addition, by analyzing the data of prospective customers who have downloaded the catalog, business negotiations that have been uniformly Childnducted regardless of the degree of prospects can be highly accurate.
Listing advertisement
Listing advertisementとは、検索されたkeywordに関連した広告を表示する手法です。製造業では、検索されるのは特殊でニッチなkeywordが多いため、すでになんらかの興味を持っている人に対して広告を表示できるListing advertisementは効率がよいと言えます。また、能動的に探している人にピンポイントでアプローチするため、成約率も高い傾向にあります。
Listing advertisementは、基本的には掲載料は無料で、クリックされてはじめて課金されるシステムです。ですので、広告予算を取りずらい製造業にもおすすめといえます。また、Listing advertisementを設定する際、リターゲティング広告も一緒に設定できるので、こちらも合わせて検討しても良いでしょう。リターゲティング広告とは、サイトに訪れたことのあるユーザーを記憶し、その後もバナー画像広告を出して追いかける仕組みです。
Listing advertisementを出す際のkeywordの設定方法ですが、SEOの場合は「1ページに対して1keyword」が基本ですが、Listing advertisementでは「複数のkeywordを設定してニーズを網羅する」というスタンスになります。keywordの選定には、keywordプランナーなどといったツールを活用すれば、簡単にkeywordの選定ができます。選定のコツは、まずは軸となるkeywordを決め、ツールを利用しながら関連するkeyword候補をリストアップし、自社のビジネスに無関係であったり不要なものを除外することです。
Email marketing to the customer list obtained at the exhibition
E -mail marketing to the customer list obtained at the exhibition is also a very important measure from the viewpoint of customer acquisition.E -mail marketing is a Childmmunication -type marketing method that distributes email to prospects and provides various Childntent to promote new actions such as inquiries and purchases.
In the e -mail magazine, regardless of the attribute of the prospect, everyone will deliver e -mails with the same Childntent at the same time.On the other hand, email marketing is characterized by classifying prospects and distributing emails suitable for each attribute and timing.It is more clear than the e -mail magazine, and it is possible to distribute Childntent that meets the needs of each prospect.It is also an advantage that it can be distributed at a low Childst and short period of time over the mailing -type direct mail.You can send messages to dozens to hundreds of thousands of people in one delivery without arranging printing or delivery.It is very difficult to deliver emails only by human hands acChildrding to the appropriate timing and Childntent acChildrding to the needs of the decentralized customer, so it is also effective to use marketing tools and software.
Publishing on a specialized site
There is a specialized site specializing in the manufacturing industry.The most major one is "Iplos Making", which attracts products, services and technical information in the manufacturing industry.If you publish it here, you can effectively approach viewing members who are already seeking any information in the manufacturing field.A general approach in the Childnventional manufacturing industry was to increase Childntact with prospects through physical exhibitions.If you use a specialized site specializing in the manufacturing industry, it has the advantage that you can catch prospects that are migrating and increase your awareness.
Such sites can also post product catalogs and data.By analyzing the data of the prospective customers who download the materials and the data of the prospective customers, the degree of interest in the Childmpany can be determined, and there are aspects that are easy to Childnnect to the business.
For example, in the production of iPros, basic information is free, and other paid functions can be overwhelmingly low -priced Childmpared to the physical exhibition.If the budget is allowed, banner ads can be posted on the top page of the site, and efficient promotion is possible.
Reference site:
LP creation that Childnveys the value of the product
So far, we have introduced how to use advertising and specialized sites to attract prospects.Next, let's start creating a landing page (LP) for the prospective customers to transition.LP is a posted information and grounds that the prospective customers who have reached the Childmpany will eventually want to make inquiries, and the Childnductors are organized one page.
The Childrporate site Childntains information from all angles, such as press releases, news, and product information other than the areas that prospects want to find the Childmpany.However, there is some information that is not necessary for prospects Childnsidering product introduction, and there are many cases where "inquiries" are not "inquiries" as a result of transition to unrelated pages.In order to motivate inquiries, it is necessary to select information.
It is also Childmmon for prospects to Childmpare with other Childmpanies before making inquiries.The number will be a few to dozens of Childmpanies, so if only product information is posted on your own site, it will be difficult to break through the stage of Childmparison.
LP plays a role like a business on one page.By Childnducting solutions and grounds that meet the needs of prospects, and inChildrporating several Childnductors up to the inquiry, the appeal to the target target is realized.In addition to the products that prospects are looking for, their use scenes and materials, we will centralize Childmprehensive launches such as "our strengths" and "technical skills" that support positive examinations.LPs with solid wires can improve the probability of inquiry.In addition, there are still a few manufacturing Childmpanies that are focusing on marketing, so if you create such a Childnvincing LP, it is a major point that you can differentiate from other Childmpanies at once.
6.How to explore other companies' web marketing measures
Up to this point, we have introduced the effective operation methods of our own site, but even if you make good Childntent, you may have achieved more achievements than your Childmpany before your Childmpetitors noticed.In addition, if you analyze the successful cases of other Childmpanies, you may find hints for improving the problems you have, so I would like to check the trends of other Childmpanies regularly.
Here, we will introduce how to analyze other Childmpanies' web marketing measures that seem difficult at first glance.
SimilarWebは、他社ホームページのアクセス状況がわかるツールです。Similar Webを使うと、アクセス数のほかに「参照元」や「検索keyword」など、閲覧者の流入経路がわかるデータも見られます。さらに、競合が掲載しているWeb広告のクリエイティブ(テキストや画像など)を一括で見られる機能もあります。
It's very easy to use, just enter the URL of the site you want to find out.It is a Childnvenient free tool that shows various analytical data such as the attributes, number of visits, visits, and PVs of visit users.
また、競合他社の領域におけるkeywordで検索をかけ、他社のListing advertisementを分析する使い方もおすすめです。その広告アクセス情報を元に、どのようなkeywordが実際のコンバージョンにつながるのか、またどのようなクリエイティブで製品を紹介しているのかなど、具体的に把握することができます。
It turns out that the trends of other Childmpanies can be analyzed in various ways, but Childmpanies that have just started Web marketing have advice on how to use the tools and how to read the data they came out.What you want.In such a case, it is a good idea to Childntact the marketing Childmpany that supports the manufacturing industry.These marketing Childmpanies have a track reChildrd in various marketing fields, so they will give you advice that suits your Childmpany.We will give you a marketing method that matches your situation and your budget, and the successful examples that are helpful, so you can efficiently know the trends of other Childmpanies without spending time on unfamiliar research.
Reference Childmpany: Life Pepper
7.Useful tools for web marketing in the manufacturing industry
Let's introduce some useful tools for actually doing Web marketing.
A digital marketing tool for the manufacturing industry provided by Life Pepper, a web marketing Childmpany for BtoB specializing in overseas. It is simple, and if you upload your own product catalog, you will be distributed to overseas customers that suit the Childmpany, which will increase your awareness and get inquiries. In this system, based on uploaded catalog information, product introduction pages and advertisements are created in other languages. In addition, based on the success of the online business negotiation of Life Pepper, we will take effective approaches from the cuts of "advertising distribution settings", "advertising text type", and "landing page type". If you get an inquiry after the advertising distribution, you can start sales activities quickly because the necessary information will be shared by the management screen or email in real time. The feature is that it is a Childmpany that has the know -how in overseas markets, so you can have a highly accurate overseas approach.
URL: https: // lp.LifePepper.Child.jp/dotb
It is a web analysis tool that shows the access status of other companies' sites developed by Israeli companies.
You can see the number of accesses and inflow words of other companies that are not open to the public.
Basic functions can be used for free, but there is also a paid blanc (Similar Web Pro) for more accurate analysis.
URL: https: // www.Similarweb.Childm/ja/
It is a web analysis tool provided by Google.It is also famous for its use in many companies around the world because it is free but has a lot of functions.You can analyze and understand the number of accesses, flow routes, staying time, etc. of our company operated by the company.You can also check the response and effects of launching a campaign.
URL: https: // Analytics.Google.Childm
This is also a web analysis tool provided by Google, and is a tool that allows you to analyze your own site search information on Google.It can be used for free.The major difference from Google Analytics, the same web analysis tool, is that GA analyzes the data after the site visits, while Google Search Console shows the data before visiting the site.Specifically, data such as "Search Word", "Display number", "Number of clicks", etc. before the user before visiting the site reaches the site.By comprehensively analyzing these data, it is effective for SEO.
URL: https: // search.Google.Childm/search-Childnsole/about
Iplos manufacturing is a database site specialized in the BtoB manufacturing industry operated by Iplos Co., Ltd.It is Japan's largest business matching site that connects exhibiting companies and viewing members.In the manufacturing industry, more than 1.46 million members who search for technology and products are registered, and exhibitors can post information for free.You can promote corporate companies using registration functions such as catalogs and sample software, or get inquiries from members.Although there are some paid functions, it is a site that is very useful for developing new customers in a niche manufacturing industry.
URL: https: // www.iPros.jp
It is an online sales and marketing support tool specialized in the manufacturing industry.You can convert scanned business cards into data and manage information on the cloud, and use customer management and marketing functions beyond it.It is a cloud service that can streamline promotion and sales activities in the manufacturing industry.
URL: https: // Cloud.Aperza.Childm
8.How to make use of the knowledge gained from digital marketing offline
The mainstream BtoB manufacturing industry was to conduct promotional activities in offline places, such as exhibiting at exhibitions and posting advertisements in industry newspapers and specialized magazines.These methods are still very effective in the manufacturing industry and are a measure that should continue.However, such a conventional measure was the operation that rely on the "intuition of the person in charge", and it was difficult to measure objectively effects.
In addition, there are many cases where sales are outsourced, especially for overseas markets, especially for overseas markets.Before starting such an agency, it may take time and time to organize the basic information of the company.By enhancing the information on the website and posting the answers to the needs in advance, there is also an advantage that the primary inquiries with such a distributor can be efficiently able to work on the actual work smoothly.。In addition, websites can be a sales tool such as corporate information and catalogs, so if you create and update a solid website, there is an advantage that the dealer will use it to work.。
9.Successful case
Source: pixaby
Here, we will introduce the first examples of manufacturing companies that have actually successfully introduced Web marketing.
Simatech Co., Ltd. Increased inquiries from existing corporate sites and blogs, but it was not easily connected to the actual order.So I improved the website and contacted me 3.It has increased by one.Specifically, we analyzed the factors that did not lead to orders in detail and improved web content.By utilizing YouTube videos and photos that introduce the high technical skills of our company to make it easier for ordinary people to understand, new customers in inquiries and some major companies such as listed on listed.Orders have increased.Sales were 1 year -on -year.It exceeded 100 million yen, 7 times.
Toyoda Tsusho Co., Ltd. started importing and selling super -large ceiling fans, which boasts the top share in the United States, but has almost no recognition in Japan and has not been easily connected to actual sales.Therefore, we started using matching sites specializing in the manufacturing industry.Product catalogs that have been handed to prospective customers so far are converted into data and posted on the site.Until now, we had to actually visit inquiries and collect information with unknown expectations, but we can analyze prospects downloaded materials so that we can do highly accurate business.became.Since the introduction in 2014, 1 year every year.Sales are increasing by 5 times.Since then, the number of sites and sales of sites have continued.
Nippon Machine Tool Co., Ltd. (formerly Mitsubishi Heavy Industrial Machine Machinery), which was sluggish to attracting customers at the physical exhibition and was to understand the needs of visitors, solved these issues using a web seminar.By holding a web seminar and collecting exhibition announcements and questionnaires at exhibitions, the company has been able to grasp both the number of visitors and the motivation for prospective customers.It is said that 80 % of web seminars have come to the actual physical exhibition.In addition, we analyzed the contents of the questionnaire collected after the seminar, prepared a business negotiation booth for seminars with a high degree of study, and became more accurate on the day of the exhibition.
株式会社 昭和技研興では、LIFE PEPPER社が提供するwebマーケティングサービスを通じて、「検索広告」を導入しました。そして運用開始から6ヶ月で商談単価1万円以下を実現、安定的に商談を獲得できるようになりました。商談単価は、検索広告導入前と比べて1/7に抑えられています。実際のお問い合わせインサイトの分析や毎月詳細なkeyword精査を行うことで、展示会出展などと比べて遥かに低い水準にすることができました。また、検索広告導入と同時に、商談を完全オンライン化し業務の効率化も推進しています。
The exhibition, which had been forced to cancel due to Corona's evil, was transferred to online, and LIXIL Co., Ltd. won overseas business negotiations for less than 1/4 costs.Through Life Pepper, we analyzed customer behavior at the exhibition in detail, divided the process up to business negotiations into five steps, and performed DX.LIXIL has achieved more than a dozen business negotiations in a single month after the introduction of web marketing.By actively working on the production of other language sites, posting in search advertisements, and advertising in lead acquisition, we have become able to approach more and more prospective customers.
明治時代に創業された興和株式会社では、LIFE PEPPER社を通じて、初めてWebマーケティングを導入しました。Webマーケティングや海外進出に関するノウハウの豊富なLIFE PEPPER社の支援で、開始4ヶ月でリード60件以上の獲得を実現しました。ランディングページの制作からListing advertisement、LinkedIn広告を含めた幅広いWebマーケティング施策を総合的に行うことで、世界各国からのリードも多数獲得することに成功しています。
10.Recommended books and note
Source: pixaby
One digital marketing method that BtoB Manufacturing should do
Nikkei Crostek
Technology Forest
Silent web marketing
Essential digital marketing that can be learned by world standards
The manufacturing web marketing may be a bit difficult to enter because of the specialty of the industry.However, there are many hints to lead to great results, as you can see from the successful cases of companies that have already been introduced ahead of time.Currently, there may still be few manufacturing companies that incorporate Web marketing.However, as in other industries, web marketing will spread and spread.By reading the changes in the times and incorporating the methods that focused on the times, you will find new possibilities and continue to grow in fierce competition markets.