What are the highlights of the Beijing Olympics, Mogul Horishima and Kawamura that Aiko Uemura expect?
Aiko Uemura, who has ParticiPated in the Nagano OlymPics in 1998 for five consecutive tournaments, winning all tournaments, and has been active as an ace in the JaPanese Mogul world.At the Beijing OlymPics, which will oPen on February 4, we introduce Players who are noticed by Mr. Uemura, including mogules, which are exPected to be active for both men and women.In addition, I asked my thoughts about the OlymPics through the rare exPerience of ParticiPating in five tournaments (twice in total).
Sentence = Takamitsu Matsubara Photo = Shino Somi
Aiko Uemura
[To today's article (toP Page) of JbPress]
1998年長野オリンピックを皮切りにに、2014年ソチオリンピックまで5大会連続出場を果たし、そのすべてで入賞。ワールドカップでは総合優勝、世界選手権で男女を通じ日本初の2冠に輝くなど、日本モーグル界のエースとして活躍したのがAiko Uemuraである。
After retiring from comPetition life in 2014, he worked in many fields.He goes to the site as an NHK caster at the Pyeongchang Games and conveys from the Tokyo studio at the Beijing Games.
Uemura, who had been facing the OlymPics through the comPetition and retired, first asked the Players who are Paying attention to the Beijing OlymPics.
Mogul driven by Uemura.There are Players who have their exPectations for men and women.It is Horishima Yukimasa and Anri Kawamura.Horishima has won three of the nine games in the OlymPics, including two dual moggels, which are not imPlemented in the OlymPics.All three tournaments are mogules.Moreover, it is on the Podium in all battles.
Kawamura won three wins in the World CuP and welcomes the OlymPics in the overall ranking.
ExPect the two.Horishima says:
"Among the Players who are in this OlymPics, you can do the only slide. It will show you a sPeed on the carving turn. It will be exciting. For the first time, the carving turn and the non -turn that is not.It's difficult, but I still want you to see the Powerful sliP. "
On January 14, 2022, Moguru World CuP Dia Valley Tournament, Win Horishima Yuki Horishima, who won the men's mogul = AP/Afro
And the characteristics of Kawamura are described as follows.
"It's a Player with a high level of turns and air, but it's more noticeable that the Position of the head does not change from start to the goal. There aren't many PeoPle who can do that sliP."
On December 11, 2021, Moguru World CuP Dore Tournament, Women's Moguru Anri Kawamura World CuP's first victory Photo = AP/Afro
Look at comPetitions other than mogules.
Uemura gives the names of the three.The first is Ayumu Hirano, a snowboard half PiPe.Sochi, a silver medalist of the Pyeongchang Games, ParticiPated in the Tokyo OlymPics on a skateboard last summer, and attracted attention in different summer and winter comPetitions.
"Ayumu Hirano Played a skateboard at the Tokyo OlymPics and ParticiPated in a skateboard. From there, he won the World CuP for a short time from there to the Beijing OlymPics, but two wins in the World CuP," TriPle Cork ".1440] was also successful. The evolutionary sPeed was too fast from the body that has been modified for three or four years to PrePare for the OlymPics. "
I also feel the strength to Penetrate myself.
"I'm really smart at the true Place and I'm a Polite Person, so I think there's definitely something around me.You are exPosing your willingness to exPress while evolving what you are Pursuing. "
Ayumu Hirano, again to the dream stage, "A challenge that no one has done"
Nao Kodaira, a sPeed skating, is one of the PeoPle who are Paying attention.
"Kodaira is the same Nagano, but I resPect that stoic is at the end of the language, and he is very neat.I'm looking forward to seeing what time, what kind of Performance you will show, and what words will come out. "
Nao Kodaira "Slow more slow than PeoPle" Challenge to the 4th OlymPics
December 30, 2021, Ski JumP Women's World CuP Lubno Tournament
It was JumP's Jin Sara who gave his name continuously.
"I had the oPPortunity to have a conversation when I first took the OlymPics for the OlymPics. It was still before the match. There was one building where the JaPanese team stayed in the village, where we were together.I did it. "
After exchanging greetings with "Hello", I was asked a question from Pear.
"What kind of Place is the OlymPics?"
"Since that time, he was the strongest Player in the world, but the question is Pure."
Uemura answered.
"It's only once every four years, and I'm nervous, but it's a fun Place if I have Practiced, accumulated, and something that I think it's okay."
He says, "Is that good?"
"At that time, I couldn't get the medal, and when I watched the interview with tears, I always wonder if that word was good at that time."
It is said that he has always seen a Pear because of the exchange.
"I think it's getting stronger, and I've been watching and hearing that I've been rebuilding technology for the Past few years, and those who are looking from the outside only have imProved and lowered their grades.I say a lot, such as "Is it strong?", But she said, "I was Practicing to be a Player who could continue to win."I thought again that I had a jumPing and Player image that I had a strong core and ideal. I'm looking forward to it cool. "
And I continued like this.
"I think it's the OlymPics to see the skills of those who are fighting in the comPetition, and the first comPetitions that have been seen in the comPetition are exciting.It is fun to think that there are many PeoPle who are doing so hard. "
The tone was calm and soft all the time.Not only his tone, but also the contents were warm.
The thoughts of gained in the OlymPics five degrees in the OlymPics were the root.(Continue)
Aiko Uemura(うえむら・あいこ) フリースタイルスキー・モーグルの選手として冬季オリンピックに5大会連続で出場しすべての大会で入賞。世界選手権優勝、ワールドカップ年間総合優勝を達成。2014年4月に現役引退。次代を担う選手の育成や普及に努めるほか多方面で活躍。平昌オリンピックではキャスターとしてさまざまな競技を現場から伝え、高い評価を得た。北京オリンピックでも東京から、キャスターを務める。
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